jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017

My favorite Thing

My nail polish

I love to paint my nails, usually every week change of designs, I begin with a small massage on the fingers followed by a layer of enamel strengthening, when everything is dry, I begin to improvise designs with different colors and decorative accessories.
I like to paint my nails of light colors like yellow, pink and green and then put drawings with dark colors like blue, black, red.

I started buying things for the nails two years ago and I already have seventy-five nail paints of different colors and textures, in addition to the tools I use and the decorations.

I like it because it is a way to distract me and give me some time for me, besides there are so many varieties of designs, colors, and accessories that I never get tired of buying and using them on me!!

My life without them would be very boring and I would not find another way to give me gifts for me and my nails.

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