jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017


Some of them seem very funny but about it puts the safety of people and also of animals at risk, the man playing baseball full of mosquitos can be dangerous for his health since these insects carry many diseases in his blood.

with this it is shown that cats do not like to bathe haha sincerely I do not understand why they hate both the water and the bathtubs, with all the cats I know, the same thing happens, it is almost impossible to make them bathe, I hope to meet  someday a cat that enjoys the Water.

I think dogs are the most faithful and protective animals, it's amazing how they care about children and how they are able to defend them. In my opinion, dogs are the ideal pet for children you just have to teach them to live together.

martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

My favorite singer...


Shakira is one of my favorite singers. is of Colombian nationality and apart from singing she is a dancer, model, record producer and goodwill ambassador for UNICEF. She has 21 albums even though in my opinion the best three are "bare feet", "Oral fixation vol.1" and "where are the thieves?". Shakira is characterized by being Latin pop style.

I like this artist because every time I listen to her songs, she manages to convey her feelings and the passion she gives when she sings, on stage she puts to the test all her talent as the great singer she is and also her movements as a dancer, we have to admit that dancing is one of the best.

My favorite song is "Si te vas" because its lyrics are about how it was changed by another woman more beautiful but that beauty does not last forever, that she will not be there when he wants to return with her. This song in a few words leaves you a moral where not always the most beautiful is the best, you have to look more thoroughly at things.

domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017

I would like to travel to:


I always wanted to go because the fauna and flora of the country form a beautiful landscape. I would like to travel to Brazil because it presents beautiful tourist places like the Christ Redeemer, the Iguazú Falls and the Amazon.

 An attraction that calls my attention is the carnival of Rio de Janeiro, I would like at some point in my life to attend it, it is a party that lasts four days !! where there are parades, dances and concerts all over the streets and squares of the city. The beginning of Lent is celebrated, that is, it begins the forty days before Easter.

I would also like to work for a while in Brazil and to be able to expand my veterinary knowledge, since there are varieties of exotic animals such as birds, snakes, etc. Two of my favorite birds lives in Brazil, the Macaw for its  colors and the Toucan for how big its beak and colors can present this.
I have an aunt who lives in Brazil and every time I travel to Chile she tells me about the place and the attractions that she visited, thus increasing my desire to travel to the country.

jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

Animal Planet

1.1 Respond to the 10 questions in this section. According to your results, what is your favorite dog breed's name? KERRY BLUE TERRIER

1.2 Vocabulary Activity: These words appear in the dog breed questionnaire. Look for the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire.

example: sprinter: (a dog) that can run very fast in short distances (velocista)
jogger: Trotador
breed: Criar
to hunt:Cazar
watchdog: Perro guardian 
grooming: Aseo
1.laid-back: Tranquilo 
2.couch potato: Flojo 
3. groomer: peluquero de perros
4. warm: Tubio
tricks: engañar

> Activity 2.- Select 3 SHOWS that attract your attention. In two lines for each show, tell me why you want to watch these shows.
Show 1:The Vet Life:  I would like to see it because it deals with friends who studied together in the same  university and created their own veterinary

Show 2:Tanked:I would like to see it because they are friends who work in construct the best aquariums    with many varieties of fish, even sharks !!

Show 3:Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet:I would like to see it because  she cares for the wild and domestic animals of America’s largest state and learn how to fly a plane to arrive to places where there are no vets

miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017

My Life's Main Events

May 12th, 2012
One of the most important moments in my life was the birth of my nephew, his name is Vicente Escobar.

January 10th, 2013
The following year I became the godmother of my nephew, I undertook to guide him on a good path and to always be with him.

July 9th, 2014
This day was important, I started a relationship with the most beautiful person. We've been together for three years.

December 21st, 2015
Since I was little I wanted a rabbit, this day my dad came from work with one, his name is leoncio because he has a lion-like mane.

November 19th, 2016
This day I was aunt for the second time but now of a girl named Antonella Escobar.

March 13th, 2017
My first day in college, I was nervous because I didn't know anyone and it was a whole new environment for me.

 March 26th, 2017
Not long ago my grandmother left the country to start a new life, one of better quality. this changed my life because she was like a mother to me

April 12th, 2017
A few months ago a small member arrived in my family, adopt a six-month hedgehog, his name is pepa.

jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017

My favorite Thing

My nail polish

I love to paint my nails, usually every week change of designs, I begin with a small massage on the fingers followed by a layer of enamel strengthening, when everything is dry, I begin to improvise designs with different colors and decorative accessories.
I like to paint my nails of light colors like yellow, pink and green and then put drawings with dark colors like blue, black, red.

I started buying things for the nails two years ago and I already have seventy-five nail paints of different colors and textures, in addition to the tools I use and the decorations.

I like it because it is a way to distract me and give me some time for me, besides there are so many varieties of designs, colors, and accessories that I never get tired of buying and using them on me!!

My life without them would be very boring and I would not find another way to give me gifts for me and my nails.

jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017


What is your opinion about women in the military?

I think it is the decision of every woman, all men and woman have the capacity to be part of the military and I think it is a great opportunity to demonstrate equality between both genders.

What is your opinion about recycling?

I think recycling is helping the environment by reducing the consumption of natural resources like the trees that are used for paper, it also reduces contamination, saves money and decreases solid waste deposited in landfills.

What is your opinion about climate change?

I think that climate change is hurting us as a country and planet because of the contamination that humans produce, such as industries, increase the emission of toxic gases in the ecosystem by increasing the temperature.

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?

I believe that the legalization of marijuana should be only for medicinal use because it has been shown to help in diseases such as chronic pain, paraplegia, and epilepsy.

What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?

I think they are totally irresponsible in most cases as conflicts and disasters occur affecting people and the place where they develop. I think watching match from soccer should be a fun and family activity.