jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

Animal Planet

1.1 Respond to the 10 questions in this section. According to your results, what is your favorite dog breed's name? KERRY BLUE TERRIER

1.2 Vocabulary Activity: These words appear in the dog breed questionnaire. Look for the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire.

example: sprinter: (a dog) that can run very fast in short distances (velocista)
jogger: Trotador
breed: Criar
to hunt:Cazar
watchdog: Perro guardian 
grooming: Aseo
1.laid-back: Tranquilo 
2.couch potato: Flojo 
3. groomer: peluquero de perros
4. warm: Tubio
tricks: engañar

> Activity 2.- Select 3 SHOWS that attract your attention. In two lines for each show, tell me why you want to watch these shows.
Show 1:The Vet Life:  I would like to see it because it deals with friends who studied together in the same  university and created their own veterinary

Show 2:Tanked:I would like to see it because they are friends who work in construct the best aquariums    with many varieties of fish, even sharks !!

Show 3:Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet:I would like to see it because  she cares for the wild and domestic animals of America’s largest state and learn how to fly a plane to arrive to places where there are no vets

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